Net profit interests

Oklahoma / New Mexico / Texas

Calculators Updated for 2023

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About Us

Cross Timbers Royalty Trust was created on February 12, 1991 by conveyance of 90% net profits interests in certain royalty and overriding royalty interest properties in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico, and 75% net profits interests in certain working interest properties in Texas and Oklahoma.

XTO Energy Inc. owns the underlying properties from which these net profits interests were conveyed. The net profits interests are the only assets of the trust, other than cash held for trust expenses and for distribution to unitholders.
The trust was created to collect and distribute monthly net profits income to unitholders. Trust net profits income is received from two major components, the 90% net profits interests and the 75% net profits interests.

  • The 90% net profits interests were conveyed from underlying royalty and overriding royalty interests in producing properties in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Most net profits income is from long-lived gas properties in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. Because the 90% net profits interests are not subject to production or development costs, net profits income from these interests generally only varies because of changes in sales volumes or prices.
  • The 75% net profits interests were conveyed from underlying working interests in seven large, predominantly oil-producing properties in Texas and Oklahoma. Net profits income from these properties is calculated separately for each state and is reduced by production and development costs.

Net profits income received by the trust on the last business day of each month is calculated and paid by XTO Energy based on net proceeds received from the underlying properties in the prior month. Distributions, as calculated by the trustee, are paid to month-end unitholders of record within ten business days.
Units of beneficial interest in the trust were sold in its initial public offering in February 1992, and are listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “CRT.” As of March 2004, XTO Energy is not a unitholder of the trust.


September 20, 2024
Argent Trust Company, as Trustee of the Cross Timbers Royalty Trust (the “Trust”) (NYSE:CRT), today declared a cash distribution to the holders of its units…


2nd Quarter 2024
For the quarter ended June 30, 2024, net profits income was $1,564,871 compared to $3,163,059 for second quarter 2023.


It is a unit of beneficial interest, but basically it is the same thing as a share of stock. The units of the Trust are traded on the NYSE just like shares of stocks of other companies.
No. The trust cannot buy or sell the units. You will need to do that through your broker.
No. The trust cannot have a DRIP program set up. You may be able to set that up through your broker.
No. That is a decision that you should make in conjunction with your financial advisor or broker.
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